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ACTION ALERT: Demand Equal Pay for Black Workers!

This morning, the Illinois state legislature sent Governor Rauner a critical bill, which would take steps toward securing equal pay for Black employees. HB 4743 which would explicitly prohibit employers from engaging in wage discrimination against Black workers.

This morning, the Illinois state legislature sent Governor Rauner a critical bill, which would take steps toward securing equal pay for Black employees. HB 4743 would explicitly prohibit employers from engaging in wage discrimination against Black workers. In order to get this bill signed into law, we need your help.

In recent decades, race based wage disparities have persistently increased. The average Black worker in 1979 earned 80% of what his white counterpart was paid for equal work. In 2016, Black men were taking home only 70% of white male earnings. Similarly, in 1979 Black women were paid 95% of white women’s wages. Today, Black female workers earn just 82% of white female earnings and 65% of white male earnings for equivalent work. Research demonstrates that such disparities cannot be attributed to differences in age, education, job type, or location, but are rather the direct result of pervasive anti-Black wage discrimination.

HB 4743 would offer workers in Illinois explicit legal protection against race based wage exploitation. Please join WCRJ as we demand equal pay for Black workers. 

Call Governor Rauner at 217-782-0244 and demand his signature on HB 4743.

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